- 10/2007: PhD in Applied Economics & Finance – University of Patras, Department of Economics.
PhD Thesis: "Essays on the Dynamic Demand for Capital and Labor: An Empirical Analysis." - 09/2002: MSc in Finance & Economics – The University of Manchester / Manchester Business School (formerly UMIST).
- 07/2000: BSc in Public Administration, Economics specialization – Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.
Short Biography
Dr. Christos Kallandranis received his PhD (fully funded) in Economics from the University of Patras in 2007. He holds an MSc in Finance & Economics from Manchester Business School (formerly UMIST) and a Bachelor's degree in Public Administration with a specialization in Economics from Panteion University of Athens. Christos has significant teaching, research, and consulting experience, with nearly 15 years of teaching in higher education, three years of professional experience, and four years in EU-funded research projects.
He is currently an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of West Attica. He has also taught at Regent’s University London in the UK, Marconi University in Rome, Italy, and as a faculty member at the Hellenic Open University. Additionally, he has held teaching positions at the University of Patras’ Department of Economics and at the Open University of Cyprus.
Selected Publications in the Last 5 Years
- Analysing the Effects of Climate Risk on Discouraged Borrowers: Deciphering the Contradictory Forces, with Anastasiou, D., Ballis, A., and Lakhal, F., (2024), forthcoming in Risk Analysis (ABS 4*).
- Credit Rationing Prevalence for Eurozone Firms, with Anastasiou and K. Drakos, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 158, March 2023, 113640 (ABS 3*, ABDC A, IF 11).
- Senior Bank Loan Officers’ Expectations for Loan Demand: A Note, with D. Anastasiou and Khudoykulov Khurshid Khurramovich, Cogent Business & Management, 2023, 10:1, 2174247, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2023.2174247 (ABS 1*, Scopus).
- Innovative Activity & Access to Finance: Views and Agenda, with I. Vlassas and D. Anastasiou, Theoretical Economics Letters, 13, 59-83. https://doi.org/10.4236/tel.2023.131004 February 2023 (ABS 1*).
- Borrower Discouragement Prevalence for Eurozone SMEs: Investigating the Impact of Economic Sentiment, with D. Anastasiou and K. Drakos, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 194, 2022, pp. 161-171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2021.12.022 (ABS: 3*, ABDC A*).
- Self-Rationing in European Businesses: Evidence from Survey Analysis, with K. Drakos, Finance Research Letters, (2021), Vol. 41, 101807 (ABS 2*/ABCD A, I.F. 9.848). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2020.101807.
- Determinants of Trust in Institutions: Survey-based Evidence from the European Union, with K. Drakos and S. Karydis, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 57(6), pp. 1228–1246 (ABS 3*, IF 3.99), DOI:10.1111/jcms.12884, 2019.
- A Note on Trust in the ECB in the Era of Sovereign Debt Crisis, with K. Drakos and S. Karydis, Applied Economics Letters, May 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2017.1324196. (ABS 1*).
Participation in Research Projects
- European Commission FP7, “A New Agenda for European Security Economics.” Grant Agreement Number 218105.
- 01/10/2008 – 31/08/2010: University of Patras.
- 01/03/2009 – 29/02/2012: Athens University of Economics and Business.