Vassilis Zakopoulos studied Pedagogical sciences and specialized in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education, obtaining a master's degree (MA, 1996) and a doctoral degree (Ph.D., 2001) from the University of Reading in Great Britain . He has worked in primary education, (six years as a director of a school unit), in A.S.PAI.TE. 2003-06 as Scientific Associate, at E.A.P. in 2020-21 as Professor-Advisor of THE ETA50 and from 2021 until now of THE ETA60 "ICT in Education: online learning and e-learning" and also as an instructor of the "Animation, technology and distance education and communication" section of e-learning program, at the "Learn Inn" of EKPA (2019-21).
He has been a trainer from time to time in many programs such as indicatively PA.K.E. of A.S.PAI.TE. (2008), Major Training Program of the Pedagogical Institute (2011), Rapid Training of Teachers in the Application of Distance Education" (T4E) (2020), Educational Planning in the Pedagogical Utilization of Digital Technologies for the Teaching Staff of the University of Western Attica (Member of the Research Group) GRADIM, 2022-23), etc.
Since 2019, he has been teaching the course Theater and digital technologies in education in the direction "Theatre Teaching" of the Master's Program "Greek and World Theatre: Dramaturgy, Performance, Education" and the course Research Methodology in Theatrology of the same Master's Program, of the Department of Theater Studies of the E.K.P.A. Since 2017, he has been working as a member of the E.D.I.P. at the University of Western Attica, teaching the courses Business Informatics and Research Methodology until 12/06/24, when he was elected Assistant Professor at the Department of Theater Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of the EKPA.
His research interests include Theater and digital technologies in education, the integration and utilization of ICT. in education, e-learning, online and blended learning and Research Methodology. He is the author of the book "Digital technologies for theater/drama in education, the supporting role of digital media in research and in practice" and has participated with announcements and published articles in many Greek and international scientific conferences and academic journals.
- Zakopoulos, V. (2023) Digital technologies for theatre/drama in education. The supporting role of digital media in research and practice. Athens: Papazisi Publications. ISBN: 978-960-02-4103-7.
- Zakopoulos, V., Georgakopoulos, I. and Exarchos, M. (2022) Business Informatics. Theoretical Background, Presentation of Digital Tools, Modeling Business Problems, Solving Business Scenarios. Thessaloniki: Disigma Publications (2nd edition ). ISBN 978-618-202-161-3.
Participation in Collected Volumes
- Zakopoulos, V. (2023) Forms of digital exploitation, reference and projection of the ergography of Iakovos Campanellis in education. Edited by Pefanis, G. P. and Bousiopoulou, T. in Return to the internal troop. New approaches to the work of Iakovos Campanellis. Athens: Capricorn Publications.
- Zakopoulos, V. (2023) Collaborative digital learning tools and Theater Education. Edited by Kladakis, M. and Mastrothanasis, K. in Emerging technologies in applied theater and educational drama, (pp. 89 – 101). Athens: Gutenberg Publications. ISBN 978-960-01-2431-6.
- Zakopoulos, B. (2021) Qualitative Research: Methodological Issues, Perspectives and Issues. Edited by Fanourakis, K. and Pefanis, G. P. in Applied Theatre: Qualitative methods of research and learning through the performing arts, (pp. 125 – 150). Athens: Papazisi Publications. ISBN 978-960-02-3722-1.
- Zakopoulos, V. (2013) Conditions for the effective integration of ICT in the educational process: evidence from field research (4th module). Edited by Sofos, A. and Vratsalis, K. in Pedagogical Utilization of New Media in the Educational Process (pp. 261 – 283). Athens: Ion Publications. ISBN 978-960-508-077-8.
Publications (Select)
- Zakopoulos, V., Makri, A., Ntanos, S. and Tampakis, S. (2023). Drama/theatre performance in education through the use of digital technologies for enhancing students' sustainability awareness: a literature review, Sustainability, 15, 13387. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151813387
- Fanouraki, C. and Zakopoulos, V. (2023). Interacting through Blogs in Theatre/Drama Education: A Greek Case Study. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, (1): 2, pp. 1–16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/jime.775
- Zakopoulos, V. (2024) The use of the flipped classroom model for theater/drama in education. Violation
- Zakopoulos, V. (2023) Methodological research approaches of theater in education through the support of digital media. Scientific Yearbook of the Philosophy School of the University of Athens (EEFSPA) .
- Zakopoulos, V., Georgakopoulos, I. and Kontaxaki, P. (2022). Developing a Risk Model to Control Attrition by Analyzing Students' Academic and Nonacademic Data. European Research Studies Journal , Volume XXV Issue 2, 350-366. DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2925
- Zakopoulos, V. (2022). A Framework to Identify Students at Risk in Blended Business Informatics Courses: A Case Study on Moodle. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Volume X Issue 1, 239-247. DOI: 10.35808/ijeba/760
- Zakopoulos, V., Kelesidis, E., Kounelakis, K., Niari, M. and Hartofylaka, A. (2022). The digital educational game "1821 - 2021. 200 years since the revolution a journey through the years of the Struggle", a tool in the hands of the teacher. At the 7th Panhellenic Scientific Conference "Integration and Use of ICT in the Educational Process", (pp. 255 – 266), Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras 16 - 18 September 2022.
- Chartofylaka, A., Kelesidis, E., Niari, M. and Zakopoulos, V. (2022). Assessing the role of the weekly compulsory activities in the effectiveness of the learning process in a postgraduate program at the Hellenic Open University. In Innovating Higher Education Conference 2022, (pp. 590 – 604), 19-21 October Athens, Greece.
- Kelesidis, E., Zakopoulos, B. and Hartofylaka, A. (2022). The role of assessment activities as a key element of student interaction with the educational material in a distance postgraduate program: the case of the thematic module ETA 50. In International Conference on Open & Distance Education, (pp. 119-133) , 26 – 28 November 2021.
- Chalikias, M., Raftopoulou, I., Sidiropoulos, G., Kyriakopoulos GL and Zakopoulos, V. (2020). The school principal's role as a leader in teachers' professional development: the case of public secondary education in Athens. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 18 (4), 461-474. doi:10.21511/ppm.18(4).2020.37
- Georgakopoulos, I. Chalikias, M., Zakopoulos, V. and Kossieri, E. (2020) Identifying Factors of Students' Failure in Blended Courses by Analyzing Students' Engagement Data, Education Sciences, 10 (9), 242; https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10090242.
- Zakopoulos, V. (2005) An Evaluation of the Quality of ICT Teaching within an ICT-Rich Environment: The Case of Two Primary Schools. Education and Information Technologies, 10, pp. 323 – 340. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-005-3430-8